How to Do Office Cleaning?

How to Clean an Office?

Just how clean is a clean office? Are you using the right tools and detergents to ensure that your office cleaning is leaving surfaces free from harmful germs and bacteria? As a space that is more than likely used for the entire day, where workers should be productive, an office should provide a safe and clean environment where employees feel comfortable. It is recommended that an office space both be cleaned and disinfected regularly, to ensure that surfaces are not dusty or dirty while also remaining free from harmful bacteria and viruses. When it comes to office cleaning, having the best supplies and solutions can help to ensure that surfaces remain cleaner for longer periods of time.

As an office can see tons of people walking through its doors every day, with certain surfaces of the space being frequently touched, diseases can spread through a group of people like wildfire if these areas are not properly and effectively disinfected. Along with disinfecting, surfaces should also be regularly cleaned to avoid a build-up of dust and dirt that can leave an office looking grubby! When it comes to office cleaning regulations and suggestions from the Australian Government Department of Health*, the following lists different areas and surfaces and a look at how to ensure hygiene while working in these places.


Windows are surfaces within an office that should be cleaned regularly as the buildup of dirt can leave them looking grimy, with things like fingerprints being very easy to notice. Using a window cleaning solution and a microfibre cloth can ensure that your windows are spotless and clear, making your work environment look professional and clean. When it comes to office cleaning and windows, it is important to use motions that will not leave streaks, you can either use motions going across the surface or from the top down. 

Drawer Interiors

In order for office cleaning to be effective, it is important that every nook and cranny be cleaned on a regular basis. For areas like drawer interiors, this does not mean cleaning every day, but cleaning out these spaces at least once a month can help keep you organised and ensure that there is not a large build-up of dirt and dust within these confined spaces. 


Furniture is often touched and used in an office space, both by workers and those who visit. Office cleaning should involve regularly having the furniture around your office cleaned, not only to remove germs but also so that these surfaces remain clean and free from stains. A stained couch or chair looks extremely unprofessional in an office space and regular office cleaning can help to ensure that these stains do not go unnoticed. Different types of material require different cleaning solutions, for example, the formula or detergent used to clean leather would be very different from cotton surfaces. If you plan to clean the material yourself, be sure to use the correct cleaning tools and formula so that you do not ruin your office furniture. 


If your office space has curtains, it is recommended that they be cleaned quarterly, or every three months. A large part of what makes office cleaning so important is that it ensures that your business looks professional, and dirty curtains can be a tell-tale sign to customers that your space is not cleaned as regularly as it should be! Curtains can be different materials, and if you are unsure how to clean the material yourself, or if your curtains are badly stained, we recommend a professional cleaning service! If you are cleaning them yourself, be sure to use high-quality cleaning solutions so that the quality of the fabric is not damaged. 


Chandeliers and lamps should be regularly cleaned, particularly if they are often used. Dust and dirt can easily build up on these surfaces, and it is important to ensure that these areas are regularly dusted and cleaned! A swipe along a dirty surface can show a ton of dirt, which can make an office space look shabby! For office cleaning, do not forget these kinds of surfaces! 

Kitchen Cleaning

An office kitchen has many different high-touch spaces and would generally see a steady flow of most of the workers in an office each day. Disinfecting these high-touch surfaces will ensure that germs are not spread through an office space and this type of decontamination should be done each and every day. Disinfecting involves using cleaning detergents that are able to kill harmful microorganisms that sit on surfaces, ensuring that people within a workplace are not exposed to germs that could cause diseases. Kitchen and other communal areas are important to disinfect daily, as this can help to ensure that office spaces not only remain disinfectant but also safe for workers. Being diligent with office cleaning in the kitchen can ensure that your employees are protected and remain healthy. 

Toilet Cleaning

Toilet cleaning in the office is very important as it is a space where many people may be touching the same surfaces. Again, the toilet and bathroom should be an area that is regularly disinfected, at least once a day, to ensure that germs and harmful pathogens are killed without infecting anyone in the office. Keeping a bathroom stocked with toilet paper, hand sanitiser and perfume products can help to ensure that the area remains clean and functional! 

Terrace and Balcony Cleaning

If your office space has an outdoor area, be sure to not neglect the space as it can quickly end up looking dirty! Along with regular office cleaning on the balcony and terrace area, which should be done at least once a week, if you have had any bad weather that may have blown some debris into the space, be sure to get it cleaned up as soon as possible. 

How Can Office Floors Be Cleaned?

While floors in an office are not considered to be high-touch surfaces, office floor cleaning is still an important part of keeping a workplace clean and hygienic! The following is a look at the different cleaning tips to ensure you stick to when cleaning different types of office floors. 

Marble Floors

Marble floors offer a businesslike look and feel to an office, exuding opulence and professionalism. To ensure that your marble floors look their best, it is important to know the best office cleaning practices to keep them in perfect condition. Hot water and soap can be used for general cleaning while detergents can be used when stains appear on the marble surface. When deciding on which detergents to use, it is important that the solution has a low pH level and does not contain harsh chemicals, as this can damage marble floors further. 

Laminate Floors

Laminate flooring is an affordable way to get that high-quality look and feel in an office space without having to spend a fortune on flooring. laminate floors do have to be cleaned very carefully, as too much moisture or the wrong cleaning solution can lead to the panels lifting off of the surface, causing damage to the laminated wood. One of the most important things to consider when it comes to office cleaning and laminate flooring is that not a lot of water or liquid should be used on the surface. A damp mop or microfiber cloth would work best when cleaning these kinds of surfaces, as this will ensure that moisture is not able to seep through the connected spaces between the wooden surface. Keeping this in mind for office cleaning will help to ensure that your laminate flooring remains in good condition and lasts for many years. 

Wooden Parquet Floors

While most wooden parquet floors are coated with a polyurethane finish which should reduce the amount of maintenance required, it is still important to regularly clean these surfaces. To avoid a build-up of dust, it is recommended that a dust control cleaning tool or mop be used to sweep the floor each day. A very lightly dampened mop can be used once a week but be sure that the cleaning solution that is used does not contain any harsh chemicals that could impact the quality of the parquet surface. 

Ceramic Tile Floors

Ceramic tiles are often considered the easiest floors to clean though they should be swept and mopped more regularly. The type of cleaning solution you use does not have to be as precise as with wooden and marble floors, but you should still try to avoid detergents that have very harsh chemical compounds within them

How to Clean Walls?

When it comes to office cleaning, walls are often not thought about! It is important that walls within an office space be cleaned to avoid a build-up of dirt and dust, as these different particles can accumulate and lead to stains. The type of solution used depends on the material or paint, so be sure to look into the best methods and types of cleaning tools to use when cleaning walls! 


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