Why It’s Important to Sanitise Education, Retail & Hotel Spaces

If two products marked 2020 and now 2021, that’s hand sanitiser and surface sanitiser. Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, we all focused on keeping our hands, homes and workplaces as clean and hygienic as possible, and people stocked up on sanitiser so they wouldn’t be caught without it. In Australia we are fortunate that many venues and places have reopened, it's essential to make sanitising a habit so that we can keep everyone as safe as possible.

Today, we want to shine a spotlight on schools, aged-care facilities, retail stores and hotels, and how sanitising can help to prevent the spread.

Why sanitising is so important in these industries

 All of these places have two things in common: they have a lot of high-touch surfaces, and people rotate in and out of them all day, every day. Let’s look at a shop, for example. Shoppers and staff members are constantly touching coathangers, light switches, trolleys or baskets and doorknobs in the fitting rooms, and leaning on countertops or tables. When a customer makes a purchase, there’s an exchange of money or credit cards, the teller will tap away at the keyboard, and the customer might need to punch in a PIN number. Now, multiply that by the number of transactions in any day, and there’s a huge potential for germs and bacteria to spread.

The same goes for education facilities, like schools, universities and childcare centres, as well as nursing homes and hotels. People are always interacting with each other, and they often use public transport to get to and from these places, which adds another level of risk.

How to sanitise high-touch spaces

The key is to clean and disinfect surfaces often, like after every customer interaction. This simple step can go a long way in reducing the risk of exposure and keeping yourself healthy.

 It’s important to sanitise your hands whenever you touch a surface or object in a public place, like a retail store, hotel or aged-care facility. To make that second nature, we recommend putting several bottles of hand sanitiser around the space, so there’s always one nearby.

Why you should use our Hand Guard and Surface Guard sanitisers

Most sanitisers on the market contain a high percentage of alcohol, which can dry and irritate the skin and strip away the protective oils that keep our hands soft and healthy. They can also exacerbate any existing conditions, like eczema. Plus, alcohol-based sanitisers are flammable, and can pose a serious threat if they’re ingested, especially by young children. What’s more, commercial sanitisers are usually packed with chemicals. Thanks to our modern lifestyles, we already carry a high toxic load — so it’s a good idea to look for ways to cut down toxins in our everyday life.

Enter: Touch Australia.

Made in Australia, our sanitising products are alcohol- and toxin-free, so you can safely use them around children and pets. They feature our signature MikroGuard+ Technology. It’s proven to kill or inactivate pathogens upon contact, while creating a protective antimicrobial layer to protect skin or surfaces from new germs or bacteria. The best bit? It offers protection for up to 24 hours on hands, and up to 30 days on hard surfaces.

What does hand sanitiser do? Our 24-Hand Guard collection kills 99.99% of harmful germs and bacteria on the hands, making it more effective than most alcohol-based hand sanitisers. The best hand sanitiser in Australia, the alcohol-free sanitiser also protects against skin irritation and helps the hands to retain much-needed moisture.

For high-touch surfaces, the 30-Surface Guard cleans, sanitises and protects without harsh chemicals. It simplifies the sanitisation process. With this surface sanitiser, you can stay safe and focus on what you do best: helping students or customers.

Both products are backed by over 100 independent laboratory tests in Australia and from around the globe, as well as benefiting from a three-year shelf life.

Protect yourself and your customers with routine sanitising

Our MikroGuard+ Technology is trusted by a range of Australian industries, including education, automotive, retail and accommodation. For peace of mind during the pandemic and beyond, buy hand sanitisers and surface sanitisers online, and get in touch if you have any questions about our alcohol-free sanitisers.


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